Amélie van Tass and Thommy Ten are a world-renowned mentalism duo known as "The Clairvoyants." Born and raised in Austria, they now split their time between their home country and Las Vegas. In 2011, they met and developed their signature "second sight" act, which they brought to the stage just two months later. Within a year, they had developed a full-length show that took Europe by storm.
Their success led to a long-term contract for the show "The Illusionarium" in America in 2014, followed by a featured spot in "The Illusionists," the largest touring magic show in the world. In 2016, they took their talent to the world stage as contestants on "America's Got Talent" Season 11, where they amazed audiences with their incredible performances, earning the runner-up spot in the competition. They also appeared twice on "America's Got Talent: The Champions."
Their incredible talent has earned them numerous accolades, including being named "World Champions of Mentalism" in 2015, a prize that hadn't been awarded in 30 years. They were named "Stage Magicians of the Year" by the Academy of Magical Arts and The Magic Castle Hollywood for their extraordinary art, and in 2020, they were awarded the prestigious "Mandrakes d'Or" in Paris, France.
In addition to their many accomplishments, they've also performed at the Sydney Opera House and on Broadway in New York City. They were regular guests on "The Ellen Show" and have appeared on many other shows, including "Access Hollywood."
Despite their busy schedules, their personal connection has only grown stronger over the years. They got engaged in 2019 and tied the knot at the Little White Chapel in Las Vegas in 2022. Now, they plan to tour their full-length show in the US and Europe in 2023, bringing their remarkable talent to audiences around the world.